Back Stronger Than Ever Tournament - Jun 7-8 2022
Buy Books and DVDs :
Winning Kumite Karate DVD by Kunio Miyake
Winning Kumite DVD 2: Sen no Sen by Kunio Miyake
Winning Kumite DVD 3: Kuzushi by Kunio Miyake
Karate Shito Ryu Kata DVD Set Vol-1-5 by Kunio Miyake
Karate Shito Ryu Kata Vol 6: Chatanyara Kushanku DVD by Kunio Miyake
Karate Shito Ryu Kata Vol 7: Superrinpe DVD by Kunio Miyake
Help me congratulate Sensei Kirsten on achieving her Shodan in Miyake Shuko-Kai Karate-Do.
Gasshuku 2015
Gasshuku 2015
2014 Halloween Party
Grading 13-Dec-2013
Halloween Party - Cup Cake Decorating
Halloween Party - Bingo
We attending Karate Ontario Grand Prix 2, 29-Sep-2013 with four students. All performed very well in both Kata and Kumite divisions. Congratulations to Joshua Mathias, Caleb Sargeant, Gavin Kirk, and Michelle Kropp.