Summer Camps
Signup early to reserve your child's spot
Campers must provide their own food and snacks
Ages 6 and up
Week 1
Tue 2-Jul-2024 - Fri 5-Jul-2024
4 days $200 EK (Electronics/Karate focus) capacity 10 children + 2 helpers*
Week 2
Mon 8-Jul-2024 - Fri 12-Jul-2024
No summer camp this week
Week 3
Mon 15-Jul-2024 - Fri 19-Jul-2024
5 days $250 CK (Construction/Karate focus) capacity 10 people + 2 helpers*
Week 4
Mon 22-Jul-2024 - Fri 26-Jul-2024
No summer camp this week
Week 5
Mon 29-Jul-2024 - Fri 2-Aug-2024
5 days $250 NK (NS Native Indian/Karate focus) capacity 10 people + 2 helpers*
Week 6
Mon 5-Aug-2024 - Fri 5-Aug-2024
No summer camp this week
Week 7
Mon 12-Aug-2024 - Fri 16-Aug-2024
5 days $250 PK (Pottery/Karate focus) capacity 10 people + 2 helpers*
* helpers 11 yrs and older free and will be required to help facilitate programing.
Daily Structure:
9:00 am opening playtime
9:30 karate
10:30 snack
11:00 focused program
12:30 lunch
1:00 focused program
2:30 afternoon snack
3:00 game time
3:30 - 4:00 pick up time
early drop off available for an additional $25 (time tbd)
late pick up for an additional $25 (time tbd)
10 min late pick up time grace, after that $10 per ten mins.
campers must provide their own food and snacksSchool Readiness Camp
Campers must provide their own food and snacks
Ages 3 to 5 (new to school)
Mon 26-Aug-2024 - Thu 29-Aug-2024
4 days $150 capacity 20 children plus parent(s)
These structured half day sessions will consist of skills such as getting ready, lining up, sharing, conflict resolution, lunch and recess time expectations. Example activities will be story time, colouring and crafts, rolls, skipping, group play supervised and semi supervised, karate basics and foam sword 'battles', 'snowball', ball catching & throwing.
times 8:30 - 12:30.
3 years old - must be accompanied by parent(s) or guardian over 16yrs
4 years old - parent/guardian advised
5 years old - parent/guardian welcome but not required
campers must provide their own food and snacks
330 Manitou Dr
Kitchener, Ontario
N2C 1L3
Phone +1 (519) 573-2754
Administration and General Inquiries:
Please see the Class Schedule for class dates and times.
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